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Arbres Blancs

Arbres Blancs

Hervé Bordas

23.10 – 27.11.2021


On the occasion of the exhibition “Arbres Blancs” the PJ gallery presents the works of the artist Hervé Bordas.

A feeling of evidence seizes us in the presence of the pictorial works of Hervé Bordas. The trees presented for this exhibition form a sprawling forest.
By its appearance, its representation, we are in the presence of these arborescences whose heads descend along the slopes towards the plain as if they wanted to cross the Alps. Black backgrounds that very rarely give way to yellow lights, in small touches, piercing the vault of their foliage. Thus are revealed subtle emerald colors and it is only at these moments that the creeping roots are visible. It is also only at these moments that we can perceive this rhapsody of barrels, leaning towards the left, musical recurrence. Then appear on their barks counterdances of rich browns and black grays.

The abysmal vibrations of the branches are revealed, as if the artist had found the secret of a rebirth for flamboyant ghosts emerging in the same breath beyond the support.

Pierre & Jisun

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