Irina Gabiani

미니멀리즘과 복잡성이 상반되는 것이 아니라 서로를 보완하는 조화를 이루는 작업을 하는 이리나 가비아니가 고안한 ‘미니멀-컴플렉스’의 개념에 따라 새로운 시리즈의 작품들을 선보인다. 단순함을 본질로 하고 불필요한 장식을 거부하는 미니멀 아트는 디테일의 풍부함과 복잡한 구성을 즐기는 작품과 뚜렷한 대조를 이룬다. 하지만 가비아니의 작품은 이 두 가지 접근 방식이 어떻게 조화롭고 흥미로운 방식으로 공존할 수 있는지 보여주고있다.

각 작품은 반복적이고 섬세한 배경 패턴, 그림과 종이 꼴라쥬 등이 빈 단색 공간과 조화롭게 어우러져 있으며, 이 단색 공간은 빈 무대와 같은 시각적 침묵으로 제시된 것뿐만 아니라 생략된 것, 조용히 잊혀진 것에도 주목하게 하며 주변의 복잡성을 강조하는 배경이 된다. 비어 있는 공간과 경계를 이루는 패턴은 풍부하고 세밀하며, 그 복잡함 속을 헤집고 다니도록 시선을 유도한다. 단색 공간은 아직 시작되지 않았거나 막 끝난 공연의 무대 역할을 하는 연극의 배우처럼 무작위적이면서도 신중하게 선택된 듯한 인물, 사물, 모양으로 채워져 있다. 분홍색, 파란색, 녹색, 보라색, 노란색 등 밝은 색상이 각 작품을 감싸며 독특한 개성을 선사하며 각 색은 고유한 감정과 연상을 불러일으킨다. 각 그림의 사물과 인물은 주된 색상을 공유하여 통일감을 주면서 시각적 복잡성을 더하고 있다.

Born 1971, Tbilisi (Georgia), lives and works in Luxembourg. 


1994-1997        Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Art, Amsterdam

1990-1994        Academy of Art of Tbilisi

1986-1990        School of Art of Tbilisi

Irina Gabiani has participated in 2011 at the 54-th Venice Biennale.


Solo Shows/Performances

  • 2024    Irina Gabiani: Minimal – Complexity, Galerie PJ, Metz, France
  • 2022    Irina Gabiani: 10 videos, The Caucasians 2 – solo feature from Georgia, Peace Letters to Ukraine 11, The New Museum of Networked Art, Online Show
  •  Irina Gabiani and Katarzyna Kot-Bach: Circular, Fellner Contemporary, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2021    Irina Gabiani: Théâtre Intérieur, Galerie PJ, Metz, France
  • 2020    New works – online exhibition, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois – Banannefabrik, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2019    Irina Gabiani: Game without rules, Gian Marco Casini Gallery, Livorno, Italy
  • Irina Gabiani: Across the Universe, Raffaella De Chirico Arte Contemporanea, Torino, Italy
  • 2018    The end is your choice, (with M.P. Feiereisen, P. Lamesch), Nosbaum Reding Gallery, Luxembourg
  • 2017    Sinestesia Universale, Irina Gabiani – videos and Ruggero Laganà – music, Conservatorio di Milano, Milano, Italy
  • Irina Gabiani: Unrolling the human body, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois –  Banannefabrik, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2016    Irina Gabiani: Unrolling the Universe, Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Take off your veil and Slave of your own system – live performances, within Time is Love.9, Plateau Gallery, Berlin, Germany
  • 2015    Irina Gabiani: Recent videos, Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Irina Gabiani: Micro e Macro cosmi, Galleria Giampiero Biasutti, Torino, Italy
  • Take off your veil and Slave of your own system – live performances, within Time is Love.8, Galerie Sobering, Paris, France
  • Irina Gabiani: New videos and works, Centre de Création Choregraphique Luxembourgeois – Banannefabrik, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2014    Irina Gabiani: Sélection d’oeuvres – Dessin et Video, Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois – Banannefabrik, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2012    Irina Gabiani: Unknown world – Videos and works, Georgian National Museum – Amiranashvili Museum of Art, Tbilisi, Georgia
  •  Irina Gabiani: Videos and works, Design City Luxembourg 2012 – Luxembourg Design Biennale, Lago, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2011    54Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Italia, Lussemburgo, Irina Gabiani e Sonia Sion, curated by the Italian Institute of Culture, Cour de Justice Européenne, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 54Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Italia, Lussemburgo, Irina Gabiani e Sonia Sion, curated by the Italian Institute of Culture, Université du Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • CologneOFF 2011 – Beirut, Solo Artist Irina Gabiani, Shams – The Sunflower Theater, Beirut, Lebanon
  • CologneOFF 2011 – Riga, Solo Artist Irina Gabiani, Waterpieces International Contemporary Art Festival, Noass Arts Centre, Riga, Latvia
  • CologneOFF 2011 – Le Musée di-visioniste, Cologne OFF & Video Channel
  • 2010    Irina Gabiani: Reflections, Video Performances & Video Art, The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • 2009       Unknown reality, Fest i nova, International Festival of Contemporary Art, Art Villa Garikula, Akhalkalaki, Georgia
  • 2007    Video Dia Loghi 2007, Videoinstallazioni: I. Gabiani / G. Cugno, Unione Culturale Franco Antonicelli, Torino, Italy
  •  Irina Gabiani: Looking at the world vice versa, Rustaveli Georgian National Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Samaia or Triamazikamno, live performance, Rustaveli Georgian National Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia
  •  Samaia or Triamazikamno, live performance, Georgian State Pantomime Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • 2006    When I look at myself, Art Gallery at the Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • The Slaves of the system, live performance, Art Gallery at the Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • The Slaves of the system, live performance, Georgian State Pantomime Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia

Selected Group Shows

  • 2024 Qui non c’è niente da leggere, Museo d`Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genova, Italy
  • 2023 Bienal Madatac 12, Art for Freedom, Sala Berlanga, Madrid, Spain
  • 2022 Rhizome DC, Washington DC, USA 
  • 2021 My mother, my father and I
    , Muratcentoventidue Artecontemporanea, Bari, Italy
  • 2020 NewMediaFest2020 ‘9 – The 365 Days Diary, Launch of Corona! Shut Down?
    – Corona Film Collection, online show 
  • 2019 Angeli e Artisti
    , Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, Italy 
  • 2018 Declinando il libro d’artista
    , Unimediamodern, Genova, Italy
  • 2017  Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France 
  • 2016 Luxembourg City Film Festival, Open Screen, Headquarters Magic Mirrors, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2015 Letters from the sky, La Générale, Paris, France
  • 2014 Transborda / Owerflow, International expanded cinema and Video Art screening, Alcobaca Historic Center, Alcobaca, Portugal 
  • 2013 Fonlad 2013 – Mostra Internacional de Video Arte
    , Espaço Artes, Multimédia e Performance, Coimbra, Portugal
  • 2012 Video Dia Loghi 2012, Velan Centre for Contemporary Art, Torino, Italy
  • 2011 Biennale di Venezia – 54th International Art Exhibition, Padiglione Italia, Arsenale, Venezia, Italy
  • 2010 Art Beijing 2010, Contemporary Art Fair, Artist Cinema, Beijing, China 
  • 2009 Video Dia Loghi 2009, The Vitruvian Woman Video-installation
  • 2008 Minividfest 2
    , Total Kunst Gallery, Edinburgh, United Kingdon
  • 2007 Not closed, Galerie Beaumontpublic, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • 2003 Collettiva, Galleria Giancarlo Salzano, Torino, Italy
  • 2000 Group Exhibition, National Gallery, Tbilisi, Georgia
  • 1999 157a Esposizione Arti Figurative, Società Promotrice Belle Arti, Torino, Italy
  • 1997 Rietveld Academy Jewellery Department in Porvoo, Porvoon Taidetehdas Konstfabriken, Porvoo, Finland
  • 1996 Schuttingtaal,
    Open air exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Public collections 

Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano, Italy

Georgian State Museum of Theatre, Music, Cinema and Choreography, Tbilisi, Georgia

Rustaveli Georgian National Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia

Georgian State Pantomime Theatre, Tbilisi, Georgia

La Iglesia de los Angeles, El Milagro, Argentina

The National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia

Georgian National Museum – Amiranashvili Museum of Art Tbilisi Georgia

Georgian Embassy, Berlin, Germany

Museum of Contemporary Art of Villa Croce, Genova, Italy


  • 2008    Third International Art Prize Arte Laguna, Sculpture, Best foreign artist
  • 2008    Third International Art Prize Arte Laguna, Sculpture, Virtual Jury Prize
  • 2008    8° Premio Nazionale d’Arte Città di Novara, Video, III prize
  • 2011    International Video Festival “Letters from the sky”, Video, Top 10 Award Winner
  • 2011    International Video Festival “Letters from the sky”, Video, Judges’ Prize Winner